Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Letters to Juliet

 Letters to Juliet

Letters to Juliet stars Amanda Seyfiend as a wanna-be writer named Sophie.  Gael Garcia Bernal stars as the grandson of an elderly woman that begins an adventure to find a long lost love. Sophie answers a letter the Claire wrote to Juliet fifty years prior. Thanks to Sophie's response a journey throughout Italy. Sophie tags along to find her 'story' in the journey. 

This movie is very much a romantic movie, and not just for personal relationship, but also for passions. Seyfiend's character has a passion or 'love' for writing but has yet to get her stories in print. Many people in this story find loves of different types. I think this is the point of the movie that really stood out. The love story was nice to see, but was a bit predictable. However, it did have elements in the movie that were 'off the path' of the tradition lost love story. In the movie Amanda Seyfiend's character is the one that learns the most about passions and loves. The story bought me to tears not only for the love stories (there are several), but also for the desire to do better for yourself and live each day to the fullest. I am giving Letters to Juliet a rating of a Silver Ticket (see movie rating scale).

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